XXIII International Festival of Sacred Music
"Magutny Bozha" 2019 Mogilev.
The chief conductor of the festival.

Valery Kuzmich Polyansky is the chief conductor of the State Academic Symphony Chapel of Russia, winner of the state prizes of the Russian Federation.

The Symphonic Legend
“Adoramus Te Christe”.

It was first performed at the XIII International Festival of Sacred Music "Magutny Bozha" in Mogilev in 2019. The conductor
Polyansky Valery Kuzmich

My project is “Adoramus Te Christe"
“Magutny of God" without intelligence

Humanity, as always, has succeeded in destroying its fellow man. Hiding behind faith, he girds himself with explosive mechanisms and commits crimes. The Arabs have *jihad* a perverted form, the Catholics *the Inquisition*, the fascists *fascism*, the communists *communism, the socialists *socialism*, the democrats *democracy* - all this is fooling the masses. The goal is to subjugate and receive.
Tilda Publishing
"Adoramus Te Christe" Holy love for God?
Tilda Publishing
Adoramus Te Christe is a symphonic poem for large orchestra, rock band and mixed choir. The times of the Inquisition have not been canceled.
Recitative choral performance by male and female choirs, like Yin and Yang.
The first verse part is dedicated to Christ, but the external manifestations of love for God and divine principles do not at all implore the inner essence, which lies behind cunning and deceit, as well as cruelty to one's neighbor.

Tilda Publishing
The tragedy of the Inquisition era is the wheel of karma, a cart rolling along the bumpy road of civilization, crushing everything in its path that falls under the wheels of blind faith and fanaticism.
In the final part of the symphonic composition "Adoramus Te Chirste", Tutti sounds, creating a single sound picture. This is the culmination of the entire composition, which leaves the audience with unforgettable impressions and emotions.

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