My project is the Symphonic legend "BIRTH"
The Antichrist will reveal himself to be meek, merciful, full of love, full of all
virtue: those who recognize him as such, and submit to him because of his most exalted virtue, who recognize the fallen human truth as true, and have not renounced it for the truth of the Gospel.

St. Ignatius Bryanchaninov

Tilda Publishing
The symphonic legend of the birth of the Antichrist
"BIRTH" - for large symphony orchestra, mixed choir, bass guitar.
The time of the birth of the Antichrist has rapidly approached and something has happened that no one expected.
A terrible beginning..., childbirth, moans, crying, laughter of the Antichrist baby. The tuttis of the entire orchestra, emphasizing the inevitable tread of time, the beats of the Grand bass drum - sound like the whip with which Christ was once scourged before the crucifixion
Tilda Publishing
Promising speeches about an inspiring future, the formation of a just world, the reign of peace, peace and prosperity on Earth - the speeches of the Antichrist struck the minds of many peoples and humanity found a new "deity".
The Antichrist ascended to the throne of the victor and the nations followed him, trusting and believing in the purity of the thoughts of the new "deity". Thus, by cunning and deception, the Antichrist became the ruler of the Earth, and humanity forgot the Holy Scriptures and the crucifixion of Christ!
Tilda Publishing
In Russia, the year 1666 was probably associated with the most striking surge of eschatological expectations based on chronological calculations. "Whoever has a mind, count the number of the beast, for this is the number of a man; his number is six hundred and sixty—six," says the Revelation of John the Theologian (Apocalypse). The year 1666, long before its onset, stirred minds.At the end of the XVI century, the Ukrainian scribe Stefan Zizaniy wrote "Kazan
on the Antichrist" (later it was published in the popular Moscow "Cyrillic Book", 1644). According to Stefan, although the son of perdition did not come into the world in 1492 (7000), it is necessary to wait for him in the near future, because it was on the eighth day that Christ appeared to the disciples, and the Second Coming, which was predicted by King Solomon, should take place on the "dark age" (millennium). There is not much left until the End: as soon as the Antichrist spreads the Catholic "abomination of desolation" in Orthodox churches, people will only have to wait for the sound of the Archangel trumpets announcing
the Second Coming of Christ
If ordinary people passed on stories of terrible visions
and omens to each other, then learned scribes unfolded the events
that took place into a whole apocalyptic scenario. They likened False Dmitriev I and II to the Antichrist, both were called servants of the devil or False Christs, and their common wife Marina Mnishek was a Babylonian harlot. Poles were assigned the role of "unclean" peoples who desecrated Orthodox (i.e. Christian) shrines.
After the Polish garrison was expelled from Moscow in early 1613, a council was held in the capital, the participants of which fasted (as prescribed by the "visions" that spread throughout the country), and then a new tsar was elected. Mikhail Romanov's wedding eventually put an end to the Turmoil (although strife and wars continued for a long time), and contemporaries who recalled it believed that only God's mercy and universal repentance averted the end of the world

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