Once upon a time, very, very long ago, alien creatures discovered an object that had clean waters, green plants, huge stone mountains and clean air. This planet was endowed with everything necessary for life and was named Pangaea. For the experiment, a creature that resembled a BRAIN was launched onto the planet. The brain could develop and progress, and also had the ability to infiltrate and control other living beings. The creature's name was HUNTER - HUNTER.

My Project is the Symphonic soundtrack "HUNTER"
Symphonic soundtrack

However, the brain of a FISH only coordinates activity at the level of unconditioned reflexes,
i.e., hereditarily fixed programs peculiar to fish from the day of their birth, but unlike higher vertebrates, it does not make decisions and is not able to generalize. Isn't your brain from the "FISH" family

Tilda Publishing
"HUNTER" is the brain that controls living creatures

The brain of an insidious creature that does not belong to the creature itself, having created a trigger chain, forces the creature to hunt its own kind. Hunter easily controls all actions, sows thoughts in the brain of living beings, coordinating the actions and behavior of the creature.

Tilda Publishing
"HUNTER" - инопланетное существо, которое управляет живыми существами
Tilda Publishing
The brain of an insidious creature that does not belong to the creature itself, having created a trigger chain, forces the creature to hunt its own kind.
"HUNTER" - Hunter Symphonic Soundtrack
The hunter always wins the battle with consciousness, because initially consciousness is secondary, the primary BRAIN is the HUNTER, which is aimed only at the patient spending his energy for those who feed on it.

Sometimes the consciousness of a creature falls into a deep slumber and then the HUNTER's brain releases consciousness to some kind of creative freedom. Consciousness flows smoothly into the subconscious and then the quantum world of true freedom opens up to the being.

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